Wiscasset Homes on Tour 2025
Saturday, October 18, 2025; 11am to 4pm
Homes on Tour 2025 features a collection of private homes and gardens in historic Wiscasset Village and the surrounding area. Featured homes are from the 18th and 19th centuries, each unique and fascinating. Together they present a sense of rural Village life but updated for the 21st century. They are treasured private residences, and homeowners have successfully blended contemporary taste with historical details so that glimpses of the past remain.
In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, picturesque Wiscasset had a prolific ship-building industry along the shores of the Sheepscot River. Those stunning homes that spoke eloquently of their owners’ wealth still remain, but so, too, do the well-preserved homes of shopkeepers, entrepreneurs, farmers, and other productive members of this small self-contained community. Together, they contribute to Wiscasset’s description as “the prettiest village in Maine.”
Wiscasset’s Homes on Tour features history, splendor, and inspiration!
Ticket Info., Tea in the Garden, Picnic Lunch . . ..
In 2025, tickets are priced at $30 each and will be available for purchase online or in person. Pick up for all tickets will be in Wiscasset Village on the day of the tour with visitor parking and bathrooms nearby.
Afternoon tea or lemonade - with homemade sweets - will be served in one of the tour’s featured locations.
For the convenience of tour-goers, a pre-ordered picnic lunch will be available, prepared by Wiscasset’s Back River Bistro, with selections to include salads and sandwiches. A picnic location convenient to the tour will be available for tour-goers. Alternatively, tour-goers can enjoy lunch from one of the delicious restaurants in the Village.
Wiscasset has a long history of inviting visitors into the many grand homes throughout the historic Village. Enjoy local author Phil DiVece’s account of Wiscasset Open House Day below:
Once upon a time, there was “Wiscasset Open House Day,” a day-long celebration held every August when people living within the village opened the doors to their historic homes and offered guided tours for a small fee. The event included a noontime luncheon with proceeds going to support the public library and the “W.V.I.S.,” which stood for Wiscasset Village Improvement Society. A 1938 poster advertising Open House Day billed it as the 11th annual one, suggesting it started in 1927. The tradition was carried on until the early 1960s when it ended.
Photos,: Wiscasset Homes on Tour 2024
Banner image: Wiscasset Homes on Tour 2024