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An Evening of Comedy with Karen Morgan

  • Wiscasset Creative Alliance PO Box 617 Wiscasset, ME 04578 USA (map)

West Bay Rotary Club of Camden is welcoming comedian Karen Morgan and her “Shiny Happy People Laughing” comedy show. The evening promises to be filled with nostalgic and hilarious comedy material, as Karen takes a hysterical trip back to a time when rocks were pets, carpets were shag, and bike seats were bananas. This clean comedy show is particularly suited for folks of a certain age who grew up playing outside without bike helmets, adult supervision, or bottled water-and still managed to survive. By late March in Maine we all need some levity and laughter! All proceeds from ticket sales support charities and non-profits.

All seats reserved and $35. FMI and tickets:

location: Camden Opera House, 29 Elm Street., Camden, ME. Doors open at 7pm.

March 23

Decoratively Bound Books Workshop

March 30

Musings on the Creative Spectacle with David Peloquin